Beck’s Art Bottles
May 2012
I was commissioned by Beck’s Beer to create one of six labels for the first series of limited edition Art Bottles in the U.S. The other artists selected were: M.I.A., Geoff McFetridge, Freegums, Bert Rodriguez, and Aerosyn-Lex.
Each label was printed on 4 million bottles and available across the U.S. during the summer of 2012.
My design was titled A Glimpse of Something Ephemeral:
“At first glance,A Glimpse of Something Ephemeral resembles photographs of the microscopic world taken by scientific instruments. However, these otherworldly shapes and structures are in fact created out of balloons, an everyday material normally reserved for decorative purposes.
By using the medium of balloons in reference to a scientific context, the image is simultaneously strange and familiar. Consequently, the gap between science and art is bridged, and the viewer is invited into a world existing between the ordinary and the fantastical.”